Here I'm giving complete list of facebook smileys with code that can be used while chatting on facebook. These contains some special smileys like putnam smiley face, penguin smiley, shark smiley, robot smiley which are uncommon and not known to many people. So, use them and impress your friends....
glasses 8-) 8) B-) B)
sunglasses 8-| 8| B-| B|
frown :-( :( :[ =(
devil 3:) 3:-)
smile :-) :) :] =)
grin :-D :D =D
confused o.O O.o
cry :'(
wink ;-) ;)
upset >:O >:-O >:o >:-o
unsure :/ :-/ :\ :-\
tongue :-P :P :-p :p =P
gasp :-O :O :-o :o
squint -_-
angel O:) O:-)
curly lips :3
pacman :v
kiss :-* :*
kiki ^_^
grumpy >:( >:-(
Chris Putnam :putnam:
shark (^^^)
robot :|]
heart <3
penguin <(”)